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彥呈 Yen Cheng





















回到台北的單位,我的工作狀況仍舊糟糕。每天一起床睜開眼睛,心臟就開始恐慌地加速跳動,對我來說,從睡夢中醒來就是一天痛苦折磨的開始。雖然這次遇到一位很有愛心及耐心的主管,以及願意包容我的學長與學妹,然而,他們越是幫我分擔業務,我就越感到自責與自卑,覺得自己好沒有用。我常常在大家下班後,獨自一個人留在辦公室加班到深夜。好多個夜晚,在瀕臨崩潰之際,猶豫著是否就此賠錢退伍。但當時的我,已對自己完全喪失了信心,不知道自己退伍後還能做什麼自力更生? 就這樣每天如行屍走肉般活著。只有在睡前把醫生開的幾顆藥丸吞下,在藥效發揮,頭腦逐漸昏沉下,才能稍稍得到紓解,並慢慢地進入沉睡。隔日醒來再繼續開啟痛苦折磨的輪迴。









Hello everyone, I am Yen Cheng. Today, I am going to share a story where God and I met, and I had a new life after walking out of the valley of the shadow of death.

In the eyes of my teachers when I was growing up, I was a bright student and obedient child. I remember when I was in 6th grade and I was taking a mid-semester exam, I obtained the top position the very first time in my life. Since then, I worked extremely hard hoping to maintain the top position to earn and enjoy the praises and approval of my teachers. When I graduated from elementary and junior high school, I obtained the mayor’s award and was frequently nominated to be a model student. I was the type whom when being voted for the class committee, would be a good student and take the initiative to raise my hand and volunteer to be the class chairman and serve everyone.

My parents and teachers never had to worry about my studies, because I would always force myself to study hard. When I was in junior high school, I would study until 2 to 3 in the morning. I thoroughly enjoyed getting full score in the exams. The most extreme moment was in my first mid-semester exam, I obtained a perfect score for six out of eight subjects, and the other two were above 90 points, and I instantly became very well known in the whole school.

Even so, I would be very well prepared for tests, but I was not that good at major exams. At that time in the entrance exam to get into a senior high school, I sat for the exam twice, and still did not meet everyone’s expectations to enter the top school in Kaohsiung, which was Kaohsiung Senior High School, and I ended up in Rueisiang Senior High School. Those who are not from Kaohsiung may not have heard of Rueisiang Senior High School, but it was the top mixed gender school in Kaohsiung at that time.  The Blue Lagoon water theme park was beside the school and during the summer classes, we could hear excited screams of the people on the slides from the corridors!

Although it seemed like I didn’t do well in the entrance exams, but once I was in senior high, I was frequently the top student. When I moved from the second year of natural sciences to the humanities, I was the top student in the school. I continued my studying habits, but this time I was lucky and studied extremely hard in the college entrance exams and scored really well for the mandarin, english, mathematics and humanities exams and successfully got into my dream college which was the law faculty of the Central Police University. Between the law faculties of the National Defense University and National Chong Cheng University, I chose the law faculty of the National Defense University. That summer after graduation at the tender age of 18, I wore the camouflage uniform, carried a heavy backpack and entered the military academy to be a soldier.

After being immersed in military training, I returned to the National Defense University to study law. Our school is located at Fuxinggang, which is at the foothills of Beitou. Then environment is tranquil and the people are distinguished. However, studying in a military university is still different from the carefree lifestyle of ordinary universities. The educational methods are highly stressful and we were bullied. If we accidentally made a mistake, we would be scolded, punished or confined in school during the weekends by our officers or seniors. In this highly stressful environment, I would want to do everything well, regardless of whether it was studying or military training so that I would not be scolded or punished, and also to win the approval of my teachers, seniors and officers.

When I graduated in 2014, I started as a second lieutenant enforcement officer, and was in charge of all of the team’s law administration. Continuing my ways of living while I was a student, I changed from working hard to obtain good results, to working hard to perform my duties well, and do every job perfectly. My days changed from studying till late nights to working overtime.

Of course I obtained the praises of the senior officers and was given many opportunities, and as my student days, everyone would use the term “outstanding” to approve my performance.

Even so, as the workload got heavier, I found the stress within me increasing, and constantly feared making mistakes, causing everyone to discover that I am not as professional or outstanding as they imagined me to be.

Hence, I could only continue to suppress the sense of panic and continue to work hard to do well in every job. I still remember during that time, on every Sunday noon, I would start to panic and worry. My only way of relief is to return early in the afternoon to the district office to work overtime. Although outward I am friendly and smiling at people, but nobody can understand or discover the fear and stress which accumulated like a huge balloon that was about the explode.

Within less that 4 years after graduating, I had worked in Kaohsiung, Tainan, Hualien and Taitung. In May 2018, it was my turn to go to the offshore island of Matsu. The office only had one team leader and one senior, and I was about to be promoted to captain. There was much administrative duties, but the senior officer was occasionally returning to the main island during his off days. This also means that there was only the team leader and an advisor, hence the administrative duties were heavy and burdensome. At an offshore island, there are six workdays in a week. The rest day starts from eight in the morning till nine at night and there would be a roll call. For every three months, I can only return to the main island for a two week vacation.

The land military base is a high stress organization, and as I was the lowest ranking officer in my team, I had to wake up every morning at five to change and represent my team to be at the flag raising ceremony. After that it was the roll call, having breakfast at the dining hall, the morning meeting and then I start the day’s busy work schedule.

In this environment, when the only senior officer was relocated, my work situation became gradually worse. The heavy workload caused me to work overtime every night and even when it is my off day on Sunday, I had to continue working. As the amount of unfinished work started accumulating, I had no choice but to sacrifice my sleep. I used my rest time to struggle on but I got more and more depressed. Hence, I did not have enough sleep, relaxation or exercise, and my bodily and emotional condition was on red alert. My work efficiency decreased and that started a vicious cycle.

As I started making big and small mistakes, I felt that the image that I worked hard to build was falling apart. I became less confident and every day I was living in anxiety and fear. I started having nightmares every night and the content was mainly about work. I often wake up from the nightmares in the middle of the night and in my half asleep state I cannot differentiate between dream and reality. I would continue to be frustrated by the non-existent work that was in the dream. I felt alone and helpless, nobody could help me and I did not dare to ask for help. I gradually lost hope in life. When I was riding a scooter passing through various military regions and whenever I saw large trucks on the opposite direction, I would close my eyes many times and thought of turning my scooter and ending this miserable life. However, when I thought of the sorrowful expressions of my family members, I was pulled back by reasoning.

Finally I struggled till the second vacation to the main island and I was like a deflated balloon, totally unable to relax and cheer up. Nothing can make me excited or happy. I felt that I was nothing and my initial confidence turned into a lack of self-worth and I shut myself at home and did not want to go out. I looked at the blue sky of a sunny day but inside, I had dark clouds of gloom, as if I was always going to be devastated. I struggled until the morning I returned to Matsu and a strong sense of fear and anxiety overcame me, and the unusual situation of my whole body shaking caused my parents to help me apply for leave and send me to the hospital for diagnosis.

Eventually, I moved into the Taichung Military Hospital’s mental illness ward because of severe depression. During my stay, I lived with a big group of patients with mental illnesses. There was a grandpa who was depressed and tried to kill himself by turning on the butane gas, a manager of a big company who could not successfully retire because of anxiety, one whose mental state became worse because of being cheated of money by their friend, a middle aged doctor who lost the ability for self-care, and many who went mad and had strange behavior. In the ward, I saw many facets of life.

After resting in the hospital for about a month, I received an order to return to the main island. The doctor proposed for me to be discharged and return to the workplace after I has recognized that my condition has improved.

When I returned to the main island to an air force base in Hsinchu, I was an independent law enforcement officer, which means that I did not have any colleagues that had law expertise to help. Although it was not my first time being an independent law enforcement officer, it was only when I returned to the workplace and started working that I realized my emotional state had not fully recovered, and I was shocked to realize that I had lost my usual working ability. I was unable to focus and think, often staring at the computer for a few hours and was only able to type a few words. And so, the unfinished work started accumulating and the stress increased. As work because unfinished, I would continue to shut myself in the office and stayed till early in the morning, and even so, I couldn’t do anything.

And so, within a month, my superior moved me from Hsinchu to Taipei to a law administration position. I still remember at that time my supervisor told me that this is my final chance. If this does not work out, they have nowhere to place me.

When I returned to Taipei, my work situation was still poor. Every day when I woke up and opened my eyes, my heartbeat would increase due to anxiety and to me, waking up from my dreams was the start of pain and suffering. Although I met a very caring and patient supervisor, and peers who are willing to compromise, the more they helped me with my work, the more I blamed myself and lost confidence, and felt that I was useless. I would often stay alone in the office and work overtime after everyone got off work until it was late at night. Many a night when I was about to give up and hesitated on whether to pay compensation and leave the military. At that time, I fully lost confidence and was unsure of what I could do after leaving. And so, I lived like a walking corpse and only before sleep, I swallowed a few tablets that the doctor prescribed. Under the influence of medication, I felt sleepy and could get some relief, sinking into deep sleep. The next day I would wake up and continue the cycle of pain and suffering.

Before I entered the lowest point of my life, I was virtually a proud atheist. I felt that death was the end and there was no god. Of course, there was no such thing as heaven or hell. It was because of this I felt that I could only depend on myself and I am the master of my life. Any religion was just encouraging people to do good works and fairytales to seek spiritual wellbeing.

After being discharged from the hospital and returning to the workplace, my mother started bringing me to church. That was a certain gathering for Christians in Taichung. I remembered the day before I was supposed to report to Hsinchu, my mother brought the anxious and helpless me to church and the aunts at the church introduced and led me to pray for the first time in my life, inviting Jesus to enter my heart and life.

When I first believed in Jesus, I prayed hard every day, asking Him to restore me to who I was before and return the lost joy to me, but there doesn’t seem to have any result. Prayer seems to bring a moment of peace, but not long after, stress and fear struck me. As I described before, I continued to live a cycle of suffering and naturally I suspected whether this God is real.

Even so, the work in my life that Jesus did was gradual and quiet, which is difficult to detect, but never stopped. One day, at a certain moment, you will suddenly discover that the heart is filled with peace and joy and the warmth of sunlight. Only then, you will discover that when you did not notice, God has already quietly held your hand and walked a long way for a long time, and eventually led you to walk out of the darkest valley.

I have no idea I walked out of the valley of depression, but I certainly know that this is the continuous work of the God who loves me, and let all things work together to showcase this miracle. In this long process of healing, I met brothers and sisters in church who prayed together during meetings and strengthened my faith in God. I also met an awesome supervisor and awesome colleagues who accompanied me to slowly redevelop my confidence in my job, and a group of warm hearted new friends who helped me climb mountains and reached the peaks, experiencing glorious sceneries. Also in this process, I felt the love of my family and good friends even more deeply, and this love is unconditional. The people who really love you, will not be disappointed and leave you even when you are no longer outstanding or performing well. I no longer need to pursue personal performance and please others to earn their love and care.

Only when there are cracks in life, will sunlight be able to shine through. Looking back upon the experience of life’s low moments, there was suffering for sure, and even the loss of hope in life, but it is also because of this that I finally opened my heart and allowed Jesus to be Lord of my life. The relationship with God was restored, I was resurrected from the dead and lived a brand new joyful life.

In man it is impossible, but with God, everything is possible. The old me was as if I was alone and I can only depended on my limited abilities in all things, fighting alone in this world and wounded all over in both my heart and body. Today, I can give all things to God and no longer lose the joy in my heart easily because of the changes in the world, and I no longer need to place importance in the judgement and opinions of the people in the world. I only need to fix my eyes on God and what is important to me is my relationship with God.

I believe in the God who loves me, and causes all things to work together. It does not matter whether it seems good or bad, I trust that all things comes from God and are personally planned by Him especially for us, and they are plans to bless us. I hope that the sharing of my testimony can help everyone have more confidence in our God, submit to Him and give thanks to Him for all things, depending on Him for the victory. I wish that everyone can live out a life of peace, joy and abundance. Thanks be to God!

大衛 David




我很喜歡聖經中的一段經文,哥林多前書‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ 「如經上所記: 神為愛他的人所預備的,是眼睛未曾看見, 耳朵未曾聽見, 人心也未曾想到的。」我信耶穌受洗今年是第十年了,我跟我伴也在一起十年了,我們在教會認識,也一起在教會成長,這十年兩個人都經歷了感情世界的風風雨雨,我曾經在第三年的時侯因為吸毒被抓去勒戒一個月,本來要分手的我們,因上帝的指引,後來一起去做了六次的感情諮商,最後我們都選擇重新再給彼此一次機會,而我又另外單獨做了三個月的心理輔導,成功戒了毒也戒了性成癮,這一段面對自己黑暗面的路其實不好走,但靠著每一天晚上哭泣禱告的信心,我花了半年時間去修復彼此的關係,雖然認錯悔改的過程很痛苦,但也換來了之後七年不痛不癢的幸福,更讓我真實經歷了「我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷, 也不怕遭害, 因為你與我同在; 你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。」詩篇‬ ‭23‬:‭4‬






Peace to the brothers and sisters of Tong-Kwang Church. I am David from Taoyuan small group, and I am very happy to share about my life story. May my testimony bring faith, hope and love to everyone. Let us pray. Dear Jesus, Your child thank You and praise You, for through Tong-Kwang Church more people can come to know You. Today, Your child is using his life story to testify. May Your word, wisdom and blessing be revealed through it, so that the world may know that You are a real and living God. May we commit each of our lives' journey to You, and give You all the glory. We pray all these in Jesus' victorious name. Amen!

I am 43 this year and before the age of 40, I was in the tourism industry and brought tourists from the Lion Travel Agency to Japan. However, three years ago in 2020, when COVID started, I suddenly lost my job. At that time, I lost all hope, because before this, I found joy in my job, and I enjoyed traveling to different countries. Suddenly, the whole world stopped and I lost my what was dear to me. Losing my job while I'm middle aged was especially difficult, because I only knew Japanese and only knew Japan. Due to the 10 years of experience in the travel industry, I couldn't find a job. Hence, for the first six months I attended the government subsidized career training classes to learn how to use the computer, and a management and administration license. In the second half of the year I was going around finding part time jobs for daily expenses, as well as labor and health insurance. However, losing my job while being middle aged caused me to be clear about what I wanted to change in the second half of my life.

Having both gains and losses in life is a concept that will not change forever, because when God closes a door to you, He will open another. On September 9 2020, I can to Tong-Kwang church and it changed my life. It was a Friday night and after work, my partner Xu and I drove from Taoyuan to Taipei after work. We attended a seminar organized by Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy and Tong-Kwang church, which is about adoption. In a short one hour introduction, we understood the process of adoption and the requirements, and it ignited the passion I had for life. This is because besides marriage for LGBT, we can also form a family by adopting a child and become parents. Although it was a small introduction by the Advocacy, it because a huge hope in my heart.

I especially like one verse in the Bible, which is 1 Corinthians 2:9 "However, as it is written:“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him. It has been 10 years since I was baptized and I have been with my partner for 10 years. We met in church, grew together in church and in these 10 years, we have experienced the ups and downs in our relationship. In our third year, I was arrested and forced to go to a rehabilitation center for a month because of drug abuse. Initially we were going to break up, but due to God's leading, we went to six relationship therapy sessions, we finally chose to give each other a chance. After 3 months of individual psychiatric help, I successfully broke free from drugs and sex addictions. Facing my darkness was very challenging. However, by depending on the faith from tearful prayers, I spent half a year to repair our relationship. Although the process of confessionand repentance was agonizing, but it brought 7 years of bliss and I truly experienced the promise of Psalms 23:4 "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Regardless of whether LGBT has a partner or is single, the path of adoption is difficult. In theory, it takes 2 years or more to determine eligibility to have a chance to have contact with a child. Besides the application, health screening, and proof of financial status at the beginning, we also need to spend a lot of time and effort to have discussions, lessons, and having a social worker visiting our home. These legal processes only requires patience and following the organization step by step. I feel that LGBT success in adoption has 2 main challenges, which coming out publicly, and support of family and friends. Raising a child is a lifelong decision, and we can't give up halfway. Hence, the organization will keep ensuring that you are ready to come out to the public and accept the world's discrimination, because in order to be a LGBT parent, you need to have the courage to protect your child. If you can't even live in the open, how can you be the child's sun?

The other matter is whether your family and friends are willing to support the adoption, because a child needs to have a complete family. Perhaps you don't have to live with elders and relatives, but if there are sudden needs when raising the child, who can help and support in a timely manner? Therefore, you need to communicate with family and friends and the adoption agency will also talk to them personally to confirm their willingness. Due to this realistic and difficult topic, I honestly argued with my mother many times, and even fought, so that she can accept that in the future, I will be a husband who will be adopting a child to form a family. If she cannot help me to take care of my child, I threatened that when she gets old, her grandchild and I will not push her wheelchair. When I look back, I don't know where I got the courage to rebel, but when I read the Old Testament in the Bible, I found that the family of king David was like a soap opera. When there are arguments in the plot, it is more like a normal family, isn't it?

After experiencing more than 2 years of hard work. we finally brought our child home on the fifteenth of January of the lunar calendar and I will forever remember the touching and proud moment that I can finally be a parent. More than 10 months ago, I have no idea of how to change a diaper as I was a new dad, and I became an experienced dad who knows what my child wants from a look or a movement. It was then I understood what the Bible says about becoming a child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. This is because the most stubborn living thing is a child, who would cry or fuss whenever the child is upset, and because they only have their parents in their vision. Moreover, children deeply believes that adults love them for who they are. Isn't this how our Father in heaven loves each of us?

No one of us needs to spend effort to please everyone, because in this world, there will definitely be people who would not see eye to eye and judge you. There will also be people who will harm you for no reason. However, you need to know that it is not your fault and it is Satan's plot because he wants you to stop loving yourself and to distance yourself from God, but smart children know that it is only when we hold on tightly to our heavenly Father's hand that we will have angels protecting us. This is because our heavenly Father is the source of love regardless of whether you are blood related or not, as long as you are willing to call Him Abba Father, He will give all of His love to you, isn't it? This is the hope, faith and love that I, David depend on to become Xiang Xiang's father, and this is my testimony.

Lastly, our family of 3 would like to use a worship song to conclude the adoption journey we had these years, and the starting lyrics is similar to the prayer two years ago before I slept, dreaming of the image of my cute son. I would also like to dedicate this song to each brother and sister listening to my testimony, that as long as we are willing to forgive others and full heartedly believe and depend on Lord Jesus, there will be the most beautiful blessing in this life.






  • 聖餐預備/值月長老/司會:請於早上9點40分之前到場預備。

  • 招待小組同工:請於早上9點45分前到場預備。

  • 服事時請注意服儀:勿著過於暴露之服飾、勿穿短褲及涼鞋、拖鞋等,以維持主日之簡潔莊重。



  • 教會招待桌提供酒精,參與各類實體聚會時,入場時請消毒,並在聚會期間勤洗手。

  • 教會仍維持定期消毒場地、設備及用具。

  • 教會內不再強制配戴口罩,但如無法維持社交距離時,仍建議配戴口罩。

  • 主日招待同工因接觸人群眾多,仍需配戴口罩。

  • 各類室內活動講座、課程不再強制配戴口罩;但活動設計如果需要較多的肢體接觸,則由活動負責人決定佩戴口罩的措施。

  • 在教會內如有用餐需求,建議仍保持適當距離,並減少交談。

  • 請同工們花些時間閱讀教會官網中的「同光教會防疫最新資訊」,連結如下:。如遇會友詢問時,可告知他們防疫措施並請他們至官網閱讀相關訊息。
















  • 為戰爭中的地區禱告。願上主保守處於戰爭地區的人民,保守他們的生命安全,懇求上主在各國執政者的心裡動工,讓他們都能將人民的平安放在首位。

  • 為新一年度的教會事工禱告。上半年度中有許多信仰課程陸續進行,求上主讓每一位參與的會友都在課程中得著造就。也懇求上主保守今年即將進行的聘任傳教師流程,讓會友們都同感一靈,讓上主的旨意得著彰顯。

  • 為我們自己的靈命禱告。現在是大齋節期,求上主幫助我們在這段時間中找到適合自己的靈修方式,對基督的受難意義能有深刻的體會。願上主帶領我們在新的一年中,在信仰的學習及實踐上都能持續成長。







  奉獻時除了現場奉獻,直播畫面上也有QR Code,請大家掃入後有相關資訊;週報中及教會官網中也有提供教會奉獻相關資訊,也請大家點入後使用,謝謝。






玖.心理衛教 青嫻姊妹







  1. 【2024第一次會員大會】 今年度第一次會員大會即將於三月17日主日後召開,會中將選舉新一任長老執事,以及修改法規,並討論去年度教會事工結算報告。請會友們撥冗出席會議,透過各項事工的討論及同工的選舉,讓教會繼續在上主的帶領中成長。 本次會員大會之有效會員名單以及出席紀錄表已張貼在布告欄,對於出席次數如有疑義,請於下週主日(3/3)前向幹事提出。 會員大會之第一次開會通知已透過email寄給所有會員,如有會員未收到信件,也請洽幹事來確認通訊資料是否須更正。

  2. 【長老執事候選名單】 新一屆長老執事候選名單如下,請大家一同持續為長執選舉禱告。名單中的肢體如因任何因素而無參選意願,請於二月29日前向幹事提出不參選聲明書,在三月第一週主日中公布最後的候選名單後即不再做更動。對於參選或選舉流程如有不了解之處,歡迎洽詢長老們或行政部長執或幹事。

    1. 長老候選名單:伊凡、舞葉、hipo、片片、阿倫、Tempo、Ivy、勇哥、Samuel、家和、小哥、小莫、Eros、英士。(共14位)

    2. 執事候選名單:伊凡、舞葉、hipo、片片、阿倫、Tempo、Ivy、勇哥、Alice、家和、小哥、Samuel、Lucas、Lawrence、Tim、小莫、Eros、英士、宥嘉、阿寬、小戴、小暉、亭屹、小潘、應蘋、Sarah莊、阿建、紹綱、惠萍、琦鈞、香檳、Hinson、小柔、RJ、子咪、大祐、子員、國豪、Richard、彥呈、小諭、勝哥、阿駿、泰泰、小賀、喃喃、凈悟、柏青哥。(共48位)


  • 【2024大齋節期】 今天是大齋節期第二主日,我們一同記念耶穌基督在世受難至死的事蹟,也藉著三個主要的信仰行動:祈禱(對上帝)、禁食(對自己)、施捨(對鄰人)來更新自己的靈命。公布欄已張貼大齋節期的說明,鼓勵會友們前往閱讀,以了解大齋節期的意義。教會的鋼琴旁,也擺設了以往教會在爭取同志權益活動中使用的十字架,上面貼滿了許多同志夥伴從小到大曾遭受的各種辱罵及汙名。主耶穌在十字架上承受的辱罵及刑罰,彰顯了他疼惜世上一切受壓迫的群體,讓我們一同在大齋節期中深思耶穌走過的苦路。


  1. 【主日心理衛教短講】 今天很感謝青嫻諮商心理師來和會友們分享:我不孤單,因為我還有我自己-自我支持。

  2. 【二月份愛筵】 今天主日後備有愛筵,歡迎所有會友留步用餐,彼此關懷交流。請美門小組幫忙愛筵清潔整理。

  3. 【週三靈修禱告會】 教會於每週三晚上九點到十點舉行靈修禱告會,鼓勵肢體們一起參與,一起讀經文並禱告。目前使用的軟體為Google Meet,會議代碼sey-suhn-kfy。或使用以下的視訊通話連結:


  1. 【哥林多前書查經班】

    1. 講員:鄭君平牧師

    2. 時間:今天下午1:30-3:30

    3. 地點:教會大多功能室

  2. 【靈命日糧事工YouTube線上聖經講座】 全程參與者將可獲得蘇諾銘博士最新著作《人生是一場賽跑》! 歡迎進入網站了解更多

    1. 講題:智慧與愚昧一線之隔——性格矛盾的所羅門

    2. 講員:柯貝爾牧師Rev. Bill Crowder

    3. 時間:2024年3月21-22日(四-五)20:00-21:10

    4. 說明:講員柯貝爾牧師帶領我們抽絲剝繭、詳細查考所羅門的一生,看他如何從智慧走向愚昧,讓他的生命經歷成為我們的借鏡,幫助我們一生走在上帝同在的平衡裡。

    5. 免費報名連結

  3. 【曾思瀚博士研經講座|福音的國度】

    1. 講題:羅馬書研經講座

    2. 講員:曾思瀚博士

    3. 時間:2024年3月-22與23日,分為實體場與線上直播場

    4. 地點:實體場為校園書房台北總店3F美意廳

    5. 說明:探討羅馬書研究的三大議題:因信稱義、強者與弱者、羅馬書與帝國,認識什麼是救恩的根基?如何處理群體內部紛爭?如何面對外部世界?本講座掌握羅馬書,以福音為根基,建立神的國度!

    6. 適合對象:「一般信徒」:想了解羅馬書的人,並認識什麼是救恩的根基?這些關鍵的信仰教義,此課程將深入且系統地聞述,信心與稱義之間的關係。

    7. 「教會長執與核心同工」:身為教會長執與核心同工,該如何講解羅馬書,帶出信仰最核心的信息?又要如何處理教會內部的紛爭?如何帶領教會面對世界的變化?此課程教將討如何使用羅馬書牧養教會。

    8. 費用:本會會員於3月10日至活動網站完成「實體場」報名者,課程費用全額由「信仰造就補助」,名額5名,意者請速洽教育部長執。


  • 無。


  1. 【上週2月18日主日出席與奉獻】 主日禮拜64人 奉獻 4萬8760 元

  2. 【線上簽到連結】 請會友參加實體與線上聚會時,記得簽到,以免損失會員權益。另外如有任何意見想回饋給教會,也可以同時反應,謝謝。








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